Here’s Why You Should Trust Your Technology Integration Projects to HTA Certified Companies

As a designerbuilder, or architect, you want to work with other trained and certified professionals in their specialties or trades. When it comes to audio-video installers, you might be wondering: what is that certification? How do I know that this company has the skillset and resources to see the project to completion? As you know, partnering with the wrong company can lead to unhappy clients and problematic projects. 

Fortunately, there is a way to distinguish which audio-video companies have made the investments to stand out from the rest. HTA certification is a mark of quality that means you are working with a professional company that has met a high bar of standards. Let’s explore what HTA certification means and the benefits a certified partner – like The Integrated Home – brings to your Charlotte, NC, residential projects. 

SEE ALSO: Protect Your Audio-Video Installation from Power Problems

What is HTA?

HTA – the Home Technology Association – is a membership organization specifically created to establish standards for technical expertise, service, and reputation in the home technology integration industry. HTA’s goal is to enable homeowners and design/build professionals like you to find the best partners to work with for home technology integration. 

What Are the Certification Requirements? 

The rigorous HTA certification requirements create a high bar over sixty criteria that integrators must meet. Here are just a few of the major ones:

HTA Estate Certification – A Higher Bar

Some companies, like The Integrated Home, have significantly more experience, resources, and expertise to tackle larger, more extended projects. HTA created an even higher bar – HTA Certified Estate – to further distinguish those companies. Here are some of the characteristics of Estate certified companies:

What Does Working with an HTA Estate Certified Company Do for You? 

Achieving HTA certifications requires a significant investment in time, training, money, and other resources. The certification means you are working with a professional firm capable of handling the project's scope and equipped with the skills and dedication to manage it to a successful outcome. 

Whether it’s a high-end home theater, complete smart home automation project, smart security, or all of these solutions, partner with an HTA certified firm like The Integrated Home. Learn more by calling 704-412-4040, filling out an online form, or connecting with us instantly by clicking the chat window below. We look forward to working with you.