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What is Included with a Wireless Network Installation?

What makes a smart home run perfectly? While there are many factors to installing a quality smart home system, there is one essential aspect that is often overlooked – the network. The wireless internet connection is the backbone of your smart home. The reality is you need high-quality equipment and a network professional to fully enjoy all of the amazing features of your smart home in Charlotte, North Carolina. Continue reading this article to discover what services we offer to guarantee a perfect smart home operation.

SEE ALSO:  Reasons to Consider a Wireless Networking Professional

The Secret to a Smarter Home

The reality is that you can buy thousands of dollars’ worth of high-end equipment and the performance of the devices will still only be as good as the network. Would you purchase a Ferrari and fill it up with regular fuel? But that's what you do when you use the modem and router supplied by your local Internet Service Provider or electronic store instead of hiring a professional integrator.

The network is the foundation of your smart home, so you must invest in the best wired/wireless networking solutions to support all of the connected devices you own. A poor network will result in interruptions while you’re watching shows on Netflix or Hulu, slow download speeds, and unreliable smart home performance. An enterprise-grade network is the secret to a good smart home.

Our Networking Services

The Integrated Home uses high-quality, enterprise-grade Wi-Fi technology to support the smart homes we install throughout North Carolina. The following is an in-depth summary of the steps we take to ensure your home network is robust and reliable.

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