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The Ultimate Guide for Choosing a High-Performance Audio System

A person streaming music in high-performance Meridian speakers.

Learn how to create the best listening experience at home!

For avid audiophiles, the quest for an unparalleled auditory experience begins with a crucial decision: choosing the right speakers. As home audio enthusiasts embark on the journey of creating a soundscape of high-performance audio, the significance of selecting speakers that align with your personal preferences and room dynamics cannot be overstated. But what does the perfect audio system entail? That’s exactly what we’ll cover in this guide!

Join us in this blog and discover how to create the perfect audio setup to elevate your listening experience in Charlotte, NC. Let’s dive in!

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High-Performance Sound that Fits Your Design Vision


Architectural Speakers Your Clients Will Hear but Not See

As a design or build professional, you’re always looking for a discreet way to incorporate the latest AV and technology that doesn’t interfere with design and style. For many years, architectural speakers have provided good sound quality with a modest appearance that didn’t stand out. 

But what if you have a discerning client, one who demands high-performance audio that’s practically invisible? It might seem like a tall order, but that’s exactly what you’ll get from Sonance and James speakers. Sonance is a longtime pioneer in architectural audio, and recently the company joined forces with James, bringing a new level of audio performance to architectural speakers. Discover more about these two high-end solutions for your Charlotte, NC projects by reading below. 

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Got Power? AudioControl High-Performance Audio Amplifiers Do


AudioControl Amplifiers Deliver Effortless, Efficient Power for Any Audio Setup

If you are into the elevated sound quality of high-performance audio equipment, you likely know about the importance of high-quality amplification. In order to deliver detail, impact, and dynamic range, the best speakers need copious amounts of clean power. They say that power corrupts, but when it comes to audio, insufficient power is a greater problem, resulting in disappointing performance and even damaged speakers in extreme cases.

When it comes to power amplifiers, there are many choices from both well-known brands and lesser-known companies. One company that flies a bit under the radar is AudioControl. This Seattle-based company of audio enthusiasts and engineers has been making high-end components for four decades, putting most of their investment in building great products rather than marketing.

Keep reading to learn more about AudioControl high-performance amplifiers for home theater or multizone audio in your Charlotte, NC home.

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AudioControl: Improve Your High-Performance Audio at Home


Turn your living room into a concert hall with robust, multi-zone amplifiers from AudioControl

AudioControl has spent 40 years “making good sound great” with their line of high-end preamplifiers, amplifiers, and home theater receivers. All their products are designed and assembled at U.S. factories in the Pacific Northwest. Their passion is delivering stunning, high-performance audio that makes you feel like you’re in the middle of the action.

Choosing the right amplifier is one of the most crucial decisions you’ll make when you’re designing a whole-home audio system. For a high-fidelity listening experience in every room of your Charlotte, NC home, we recommend investing in a high-power amplifier from AudioControl. Keep reading to learn why.

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A High-Performance Audio Brand to Trust: Meridian


Bring Incredible Audio to Your Entire Home, Listening Room, or Home Theater

Without concerts and live entertainment recently, many music lovers are craving the atmosphere of robust, quality audio. Cheaper plug-and-play speakers from Amazon don’t compare to the experience of high-performance audio. Without high-end speakers connected to your streaming platforms, CDs, or turntable, you’re missing out on sound frequencies and depth that’s meant to be heard.

If you’re looking for a high-performance speaker brand you can trust, we’ll share why Meridian is our pick. Founded in 1977 in England, Meridian invented the first audiophile CD player in 1985, as well as the first digital surround sound processer about a decade later. Home Theater Review calls them “one of the most respected high-end audio companies of all time,” and we agree.

As a technology installer for Cornelius, NC, we’ll share the models we recommend by Meridian.

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Hear Your Music in a Brand New Way

Listening to a hit song or a new album from a favorite artist deserves the best auditory experience possible. From slow, melodic music, to pop dance tunes – high-performance audio should always be within reach.

And by bringing a two-channel audio system into your Lake Norman, NC home, you can achieve high-end sound every time you turn on your media of choice.

Want to learn more about how you can elevate your music to a brand-new level? Keep on reading below.


Top-Notch Stereo System: A Dedicated Listening Room

What if you could have a space set apart from everywhere else in your home that was solely for the purpose of listening to music – and truly taking it in? It turns out that you can make any room in your house fit for this.

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  2084 Hits
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