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Practice Your Swing All Winter Long with a Home Golf Simulator


For the majority of the year in North Carolina, we have warm, sunny weather with enviable beaches. But our winters are cold, wet, and dreary, and if you’re an avid golf player in Lake Norman or the surrounding area, you know how hard it is to set aside your clubs for the season. With rain, frost, or snow on the course, you’ll have to either travel south to play or abandon your game.

But just because it’s wintertime, that’s no reason to let your golfing skills slip. With a high-end home golf simulator like GolfZon Vision in your home, you’ll be able to accurately practice your swing and lower your handicap as if your feet were planted on the green. How? Continue reading to learn more.

SEE ALSO: 4 Ways a Home Golf Simulator Will Help Lower Your Handicap

How It Works

For the complete experience, your GolfZon system will include a projector with up to 6,000 lumens of brightness that will shine on a large screen. The high-quality projector supports ultra-realistic settings that will make you feel like you’re really at PGA National.

With the GolfZon Premium setup, two high-speed camera sensors are placed on the ceiling to accurately trace your club’s motion, the impact, and ball movement. This means you can transfer the muscle memory and skills you achieve with the simulator to the real-life golf course. The Standard and Compact models include on-floor or kiosk sensors, which capture movement just as well but are less discreet.

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